Create customer search attributes

Create and arrange customer search attributes that appear in the Customers Module for both searches and search results.


  1. On the Admin & Rights 2.0 dashboard, under Module Configurations, click Customer Search Configuration. The Customer Search Configuration page opens, displaying all of the existing search attributes.
  2. If you want to create a search attribute, click Create Search Attribute to open the New Search Attribute modal. If you want to create a search result attribute, click Search Result Attributes in the navigation column to open the sub-tab and then click Create Search Result Attribute to open the New Search Result Attribute modal.
  3. Within the modal, enter the following:
    1. In the Name field, the name of the attribute in the database or associated external system.
    2. In the Type field, the attribute type. Choose from dropdown of predefined types that include string, phone, email, zipcode, boolean, data, datetime, and numeric.
    3. In the Label field, the label you want to display on the Customer Search page. Note that this is an optional field; if no value is specified, a default, human readable value will display.
    4. In the Data field, specify any default data you want to display. Note that this is an optional field.
  4. Click Save. The new attribute appears at the bottom of the table on either the Search Attributes or Search Result Attributes sub-tab.
  5. If you want to modify the order, click Modify Order. Then drag and drop the attribute's row item in the position you want. When you're done, click Save Order the newly ordered attributes appear in the corresponding positions within the table.

The new attribute will appear on the Customers Module search or search results page in the position you specified.