Group the cards and define their Boolean logic

Once you have specified the cards you need to generate your new audience, you can determine if any subset of them belong in a group - possible only if there are at least 3 cards.


  1. Configure the group two ways:

    1. By clicking Create Card Group. The system then prompts you to enable the checkbox for each member of the group. Then click Done.

    2. Or, by toggling "And" between each adjacent card you want in the group.

      The system designates the new group with a vertical red bar alongside each card. Note that non-adjacent cards selected via the Create Card Group button are moved so they become adjacent.
  2. Now evaluate whether you need to adjust the Boolean logic connecting the cards. You can do this two ways:

    1. Select All to join cards (or groups of cards) together with an “And” so that audiences contain customers that meet all of the criteria specified on the cards.

    2. Or, select Any to join cards (or groups of cards) with an “Or” so that audiences contain customers that meet at least one of the criteria specified on the cards.

Now you can proceed to the "Preview and activate the audience" section.