Name audience and add its attribute cards

Name audience and add its attribute cards.


  1. From the Audience Composer main page, click Create Audience. Composer Builder opens ready to support the creation of an audience in Draft mode.
  2. Click New Audience and enter a name for the audience. Note that it must be unique.

  3. Locate the first type of card you want to build from the left-hand panel on the page by either clicking Expand All to see card type members or clicking a specific card type.

  4. Select a type for the first card you want to build by either dragging and dropping the card type onto the canvas or simply clicking the plus sign (+) next to the correct type. The new card for the type you selected appears on the canvas.

  5. With the card’s UI, define attributes for the card. A gender card, for example, can be defined by selecting one of the following choices available in the “User gender is” dropdown: “Male,” “Female,” “Non-Binary,” or “Don’t want to tell.”

  6. Add additional cards to the new audience by repeating steps 3 - 5.

  7. If you want to add attributes that are not represented in any of the card types available via the UI, you can specify them using SQL. Composer allows you to use SQL by either:

    1. Converting all cards so they are converted to SQL and accessible in Composer’s SQL editor. Once converted, they cannot be shown again on the Builder canvas. For more information, see "Convert Audience Definition to SQL Editor" in Additional operations.

    2. Adding a single custom card that supports SQL query statements.

Now proceed to the "Group the cards and define their Boolean logic" section.