Define the logic for your attribute cards
An important aspect of defining an audience is applying Boolean logic (AND/OR) for your segments. These Boolean operators are defined as:
AND: When attributes are combined with the AND operator, users must meet BOTH criteria. This will make your target audience smaller, as users must meet multiple criteria. For example, you may want to build an audience where users have spent greater than $200 in the past month AND made more than four purchases in the past six months.
OR: When attributes are combined with an OR operator, users can meet EITHER of the criteria. This will expand the number of users in your target audience, as they are only required to meet the criteria for one attribute or the other. For example, you may build an audience where users have spent greater than $200 in the past month OR made more than four purchases in the past six months.

If there are multiple values entered into an attribute card field, those values will be combined with OR operators. For example, the State attribute has the option to enter multiple states. If you enter New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut into the value field, users could live in New York OR New Jersey OR Connecticut.

Once you have two or more attribute cards, you'll notice AND/OR operators between the cards. Toggle this option between each of the attribute cards based on whether you want users to meet the criteria for BOTH attribute cards (AND operator), or if they can meet the criteria for one or the other (OR operator).

In addition to being able to toggle AND/OR between each attribute card, you can also group two or more cards together by clicking the Add Attribute Group button.
Each segment card will display a checkbox you can enable to assign the segment to the attribute group. Once you’ve selected the cards being added to the group, click Done. This will group the selected cards together with an OR operator; a red line appears to the left of the group members.
Note that non-adjacent cards selected via the Add Attribute Group button are moved so they become adjacent. You can continue to toggle the AND/OR option between cards as needed. Use the All/Any toggle to change the relationship between all attribute cards at once.