Set campaign runtime

Set the start and end date for the campaign, and indicate whether customers have to actively join the campaign to participate.

About this task

The campaign runtime sets the start and end dates for the campaign. The runtime also indicates whether you want to establish an opt-in period for this campaign. Setting an opt-in period requires a user to indicate that she wants to participate in a campaign before receiving outcomes or messaging connected with the campaign.

The opt-in feature discussed in this topic requires some additional, back-end configuration if users are to select an opt-in template country. For assistance with this function, consult your SessionM integration engineer about enabling the organization setting, opt_in_template_countries.


  1. On the Setup tab, click in the Campaign Runtime field and use the date picker to set the campaign’s start and end dates. Click OK. By default, the runtime is set to a month-long campaign beginning at the current date and time.
  2. If you want to set an opt-in for the campaign, click Require Opt-In. If the opt_in_template_countries setting is enabled, the Opt-In Template Country dropdown displays; if it is not enabled, only the Opt-In Start/End Date picker opens and you can proceed to step 4.
  3. From the Opt-In Template Country dropdown, select the appropriate country template.
  4. Then use the Opt-In Start/End Date picker to set the opt-in period.
    Note: The opt-in period must start on or before the campaign start time, and it must end on or before the campaign end time. If you configure an incorrect opt-in period, a modal warns you that the date range is invalid. Click OK.

The Setup tab refreshes, reflecting the updated runtime.