Launch campaign

Launching a campaign is the final step of the campaign creation process. When launched, the campaign takes on the status of "Active." However, depending on your access rights, you may not be able to launch campaigns directly. Rather, you need to submit the campaign for approval. Another platform user with the required access rights then approves and launches the campaign. See Access rights workflow for accounts, groups, and roles for more information.

This article discusses both approaches - launching a campaign directly and requesting another user, with appropriate permissions, to launch a campaign. Note that campaigns can be launched only if they contain at least 1 message or behavior.

Launch campaign directly

Launch a campaign using one of the methods below:

  • Click Launch on the campaign’s main page.
  • Locate the campaign’s entry in the All Campaigns table and select Launch from the Actions menu.

Request campaign launch

As a user, if you do not have permissions that support a campaign launch, you can request that someone else approves and launches the campaign. For the purposes of discussion, this flow is one that has a submitting user requesting approval for a launch from an approving user.


  1. From the campaign's main page, the submitting user can click Get Approval. Doing so, moves the campaign from "Draft" to "In Review." Note that when a campaign is "In Review" so too are any of its associated messages.
  2. Next, an approving user with platform permissions for approving and launching a campaign can click Approve if they believe the campaign is ready for launch. This action moves the campaign into a "Pending" state.

    Alternatively, the approving user can click Reject, thereby putting the campaign into a state of "Rejected." At this point, the campaign could be revised in an effort to address whatever concerns led to the campaign being rejected. Once revised, the campaign could be returned to the approving user by clicking Get Approval again, as described in step 1.
  3. Now the user that approved the campaign can click Launch.

The campaign - along with its associated behaviors and messages - are now in an "Active" state.