Forget customer record

Forgets a customer account along with all associated data, including all personal, collected, and calculated data.

About this task

Forgets a customer account along with all associated data, including all personal, collected, and calculated data. Facilitates compliance with the GDPR data subject Right to be Forgotten regulation.

Note that the action is final and cannot be undone.


This workflow is initiated by an end customer submitting a request to be forgotten to your company. You then work through your validation process and determine that the request is legitimate. (The validation process not determined by SessionM).


  1. Retrieve the end customer profile on the Search For Customers page in the Customers module.

  2. Navigate to the Data Privacy section and click Forget Record.

    You are prompted to confirm that the end customer’s identity has been validated.

  3. Check I have verified the customer's identity and click Forget Record.

    You are prompted to confirm the action to forget the record.

  4. Click Yes, forget.

    SessionM processes the request and forgets the customer record.