Create offer

Create an offer that can be included in campaigns or issued to an audience.


Complete the following steps to create an offer. In step 2 you are redirected to a supporting procedure for the specific offer type you are creating. You then return to this procedure to complete creating the offer.

Step 1. Select offer type

  1. On the Offers dashboard, click Add Offer.
  2. In the Add Offer modal, enter the name of the offer in the Title field and a description of the offer in the Description field. This name identifies the offer in the Offers dashboard. You can subsequently edit the Title and Descriptions field if needed.
  3. Select the offer type from the list.
  4. Click Create Offer.

Step 2. Set up offer

Select the link below for the offer type that you are creating.

Step 3. Define creative content

Define the creative content for the offer. You can create content for multiple cultures, which enables you to present the same offer with different languages, copy and imagery. You must define at least one culture before you can publish an offer.

  1. Click Creative.
  2. Select the language code for the culture for the content you are defining. For example, enter a language code like "en" or a language+region code like "en-US" to identify the culture for the new text/media entry.

    If you need a culture that not in the list, click Add Culture and enter the language code for the culture.
  3. Enter values for the following:
  4. Field Description
    Offer Title Title of the offer. Initially set with the value that you entered in the Add Offer modal.
    Offer Description Description of the offer. Initially set with the value that you entered in the Add Offer modal.
    Offer Terms & Conditions Terms and conditions pertaining to the offer.
    Offer Media Upload a PNG graphic or supply a URI to a graphic hosted remotely to display in a reward store.
  5. Click Save and Continue.

Step 4. Publish offer

  1. Click Publish.
  2. Confirm the options on the Publish tab. If there is anything that you need to change, click Setup or Creative to make edits.
  3. Click Publish.

The offer is listed on the Offers dashboard in the Active state.