Create point account

Create a point account that receives points issued from point sources.

Before you start

If you want to escrow points, set up a point account to hold the escrowed points before you start the procedure below. Set its expiration policy to the escrow period you have in mind. Add “escrow” to the account name to easily identify and find escrow point accounts.

Step 1. Define basic information

  1. On the Point Management dashboard, click Create Point Account to display the Create Point Account modal.
  2. In Point Account Name, enter the internal name of the account. Using a descriptive name helps identify the account when running reports and setting up loyalty rules or other tasks that require choosing a point account from a list.
  3. In Grouping Label, specify a label that groups multiple point accounts together. This label is included in any balance request, which allows developers to create rules that sum across grouped accounts and display one balance to the customer in the platform interface.
  4. Select Make Default if you want to ensure that spend operations deduct points automatically from this account. If multiple accounts are marked as “default,” then a “First In, First Out” rule is followed for all the accounts.
  5. Leave Allow Negative Balance enabled if you want to allow return or spend operations to create a negative point balance, and the customer is responsible for recovering the points. If left unchecked, the liability for any returns shifts to the organization. This box is checked by default.
  6. Select Set a Maximum Point Balance if you want to specify a point balance that cannot be exceeded. Enter a corresponding value in Max Balance.
  7. In Choose Point Source to Link, select the point sources that can deposit into this account.

Step 2. Define point expiration policy

Each point account has its own independent point expiration policy, allowing you to expire points at different intervals. There are two types of expiration policies: Rolling and User Inactivity.

Rolling expiration policy

This policy allows you to expire points on a rolling time frame, based on when the points were issued to the customer.

In addition to expiring points, you can also choose to roll expired points into another account. This is useful when points need to be escrowed before they are available to a customer. For example, points earned from purchase activity might be held in escrow until a return period has passed.

  1. On the Create Point Account modal, select Rolling Expiration from Choose Point Expiration Policy. Additional fields for configuring the policy display.
  2. In the Expire points every fields, set the frequency at which points are evaluated for expiration. Set the evaluation to run on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. If you select a weekly, monthly or yearly basis, a related field displays that allows you to indicate a corresponding day. For any time frame other than daily, set the exact day to run the expiration. For example, “expire points every 4 weeks” means you need to select the day of the week to run this evaluation. Or, “expire points every year” means you need to select the month and day of the year to run the evaluation.
  3. In the Expire un-used points older than fields, define the age of points that need to be expired each time the evaluation is run. Choose days, weeks or years. For example, expire unused points older than 180 days. Or, expire unused points older than 2 years.
  4. Click Rollover expired points to another account if you want expired points from the account to be automatically deposited into another escrow account. The "Rollover expired points to" field displays, allowing you to select the account.
  5. Click Create.

The new point account is added to the table on the Point Accounts tab.

User inactivity policy

This policy allows you to expire a percentage of points based on a customer’s inactivity. You can define what counts as activity.

  1. On the Create Point Account modal, select "User Activity" from Choose Point Expiration Policy. Additional fields for configuring the policy display.
  2. In the Expire points every fields, set the frequency for when points are evaluated for expiration. Set the evaluation to run on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. If you select a weekly, monthly or yearly basis, a related field displays that allows you to indicate a corresponding day. For any time frame other than daily, set the exact day to run the expiration. For example, “expire points every 4 weeks” means you need to select the day of the week to run this evaluation. Or, “expire points every year” means you need to select the month and day of the year to run the evaluation.
  3. In the Percentage of total points to expire field, select the percentage of total points that should be expired each time the evaluation runs.
  4. Click Choose events that qualify as user activity to select all events that qualify as activity for a customer. If the customer executes any of these selected events, all of their points are safe when the evaluation period happens.
  5. In the Expire points when user is inactive for field, set the actual expiration rule by specifying the inactivity period that triggers when points expire. Select days, weeks or years. For example, expire points when the customer is inactive for 90 days. Or expire points when a customer is inactive for one year.
  6. Click Create.

The new point account is added to the table on the Point Accounts tab.