Create point source

Create a point source that feeds points into a point account.

About this task

Creating a point source is a multi-step process:

  1. Create the point source.
  2. Optionally define frequency restrictions.
  3. Optionally define inventory restrictions.

Before you start

One of the steps in this task is selecting a point account. If you do not see the point account you need, create it now. See Create point account.

Step 1. Create point source

  1. On the Point Management dashboard, click Create Point Source. The Create Point Source modal displays.
  2. In the Point Source Name field, enter the internal name of the source. Using a descriptive name helps identify the account when running reports and setting up loyalty rules or other tasks that require choosing a point source from a list.

  3. In the Choose Point Account to Link field, select one or more point accounts into which the point source can deposit points. All active point accounts are selected by default.
  4. Click Create. The new point source is added to the table on the Point Sources tab.

Step 2. Add frequency restrictions

Frequency restrictions control the maximum number of points a source can issue in a given time period.

  1. In the Point Sources tab in the Point Management Module, find the point source and click its edit link located in the Actions column of the table. The Edit Point Source page displays with any existing restrictions listed in the Point Source Restrictions table.
  2. Click Add Point Source Restriction. The Create Point Source Restriction modal opens, with the Frequency Restriction tab displayed.
  3. Enable the Personal check box to apply the restriction to only the customer. Leave the check box disabled if the restriction is on the point source itself, ensuring a global application of its limitations.

  4. In the Max Points field, enter the maximum number of points that can be distributed in the given time frame. In the Time fields, specify the time frame for the point distribution limit.
  5. Click Create Frequency Restriction. The new restriction displays in the Point Source Restrictions table on the Edit Point Source page. You can click Add Point Source Restriction again if you want to add another restriction. Otherwise, click Save to save all of your edits to the point source.

Step 3. Add inventory restrictions

Add restrictions based on inventory to the point source. You can set the total amount of points that are available for the source. If a value is set, once the total inventory is depleted, the point source is automatically moved to a paused state.

  1. In the Point Sources tab in the Point Management Module, find the point source and click its edit link located in the Actions column of the table. The Edit Point Source page displays with any existing restrictions listed in the Point Source Restrictions table.
  2. Click Add Point Source Restriction. The Create Point Source Restriction modal opens, with the Frequency Restriction tab displayed.
  3. Click Inventory Restriction.
  4. In the Total Inventory field, enter the total number of points that can be distributed from the point source.
  5. Click Create Frequency Restriction. The new restriction displays in the Point Source Restrictions table on the Edit Point Source page.
  6. Click Save to save all of your edits to the point source.