Immediate Redeem API

Allows an offer to be immediately consumed. To reverse the offer usage, you will have to call the Reinstate Offer API to re-issue the offer to the user. The response to this API is the Discount object as the payload for the General Response contract.

Immediately following the Immediate Redeem API call, payment should be collected and the transaction closed. If further modifications to the line items are made, the redeemed offer should be reinstated and reapplied to ensure that the discounted amount is accurate.

For more information on this process flow, consult your Customer Success contact.


This API offers the following endpoint:

REST Endpoint
POST /api/2.0/redeem

Endpoint Parameters

Not applicable.

Request Object

When this endpoint runs, it passes in an Immediate Redeem request object. When using this API, pass in the request_payload as the Immediate Redeem object, described in the following tables:

Request Properties for Immediate Redeem

Property Type
offer_lookup_code string
Lookup code for the offer.
offer_lookup_type string
Specifies what the offer_lookup_code represents. Valid values are “TTLCode” and “UserOfferId”.
transaction Transaction
Transaction to which this discount is being applied.