Unlock Offer API

Allows an offer to be “unlocked” once it had been locked. The response to this API is the General Response contract above, with no payload.

For more information on this API's process flow, consult your Customer Success contact.


This API offers the following endpoint:

REST Endpoint
POST /api/2.0/unlock

Endpoint Parameters

Not applicable.

Request Object

When this endpoint runs, it passes in an Unlock Offer request object. When using this API, pass in the request_payload as the Unlock Offer object, which is detailed in the following tables:

Request Properties for Unlock Offer

Property Type
user_offer_id string
User offer ID being unlocked. This will be what is passed back as the reference ID to any prior offer lookup request for SessionM serviced offers.
employee_id string
Employee ID who triggered the action to unlock the user offer.