Look Up Offer

Gets all offers available to the customer, including those assigned to the customer, or user, and those designated for the customer in a reward store.

Sequence Diagram

See the overall flow for this task below.

CUSTOMER CUSTOMER CLIENT MIDDLEWARE CLIENT MIDDLEWARE SESSIONM SESSIONM Review available offers Option l: USER OFFERS Get all user offers for customer Option 2: POS OFFERS Look up customer, including their offers Return all offers available to customer Display offers for customer

API Endpoints & Constraints

POST /api/2.0/offers/get_user_offers
POST /api/2.0/lookup

The get_user_offers endpoint cited above returns both the offer_id and the root_offer_id, each with a different value. However, for zero-point reward store offers, the values for the two fields are the same. This is because zero-point offers don't get issued like other offers. Because of that, the offer_id can potentially change if the offer is revised - even after results have been returned.

The lookup endpoint cited above passes the User Lookup request object, which contains the transaction property. If a value for transaction is specified, the response will contain only those offers for which the customer is eligible, along with any discount details. However, if no value is provided, the response will return all offers in the wallet and specify no discount information.