Define behaviors

Define behaviors:

  • In messaging campaigns: after setting a triggered message. Behaviors are actions that, when performed by a member, trigger the delivery of the campaign's message.
  • In a promotional campaign: before defining the outcome. Behaviors are actions that, when performed by a member, trigger the presentation of an offer or award.

You can define a new behavior for a campaign, or you can use a template that contains the definition of a behavior that you had defined previously.

About this task

Defining a behavior can be simple or complex, depending on the number of rules associated with that behavior. Still, each behavior has the same attributes and is defined with the same core steps:

  1. Name the behavior.
  2. Optional. Apply a restriction to entire behavior.
  3. Add a rule to the behavior.
  4. Specify an event for the rule.
  5. Specify one or more restrictions for the event.
  6. Save the behavior as complete, add more rules to the behavior, or add a group to the behavior.

Specifying multiple rules within a behavior

When defining more than one rule for a behavior, you need to indicate whether the behavior is considered complete if any (single) rule is completed, or if all rules must be completed. The "Any of these Events/All of these Events" toggle determines whether the rules within a behavior follow AND logic or OR logic. When AND logic is applied, each rule in the behavior must be completed independent of the other rules in the behavior.

For example, if one rule is to spend $100 or more, and another rule is purchase shoes, the member 1) must purchase shoes (regardless of the amount spent) and 2) spend $100 or more on any product. The member does not have spend $100 on shoes to complete this behavior.