Add button

Adding buttons to campaign messaging allows a customer perform actions, including opening a page, sending an email, or making a telephone call. Once added to the template, use the corresponding properties on the Content Properties tab to refine how buttons are presented.


  1. From the Content tab on the right-hand side of the page, click and drag the Button icon to a location labeled “Drag it here.” A new block containing the button displays in the template.

  2. Click in the block for the new button. A set of related properties displays in the Content Properties tab.

  3. Use the Action properties to define a link type for the button. Choices include:
    • Open a web page, which requires entering a URL for the page being opened. Alternatively, if you want to link to a specific file, such as a PDF, click Link file. Use the file manager utility to insert the file that opens when a customer clicks the button.
    • Send an email, which requires entering an email address in the “Mail to” field, a subject, and a body.
    • Make a call, which requires entering a telephone number.
    • Send an SMS, which requires entering a telephone number.
  4. Use the content properties to modify the button, including width, background color, text color, alignment in the template, border radius, and content padding.
  5. If you want to copy, move or delete the button, click the appropriate blue icon.
  6. Click Save in the upper right-hand corner of the page. The template, with the new button, displays on the Preview page.

  7. Test the new button by clicking it in the Preview section.

Next step

Add another component to the template, or continue with Step 3. Preview template