Configure frequency settings for tier entrance and maintenance

Configure frequency settings for Tier Entrance and Tier Maintenance Behaviors.

About this task

These frequency settings can be applied to both tier entrance and maintenance behaviors via the Frequency Settings modal. For entrance behaviors, the modal sets a limit on the number of times a customer can earn the outcome associated to entering the level. For maintenance behaviors, the modal controls how frequently the maintenance rules are evaluated and customers are moved between levels.

It’s strongly recommended that you set a frequency limit on the entrance benefit. If not, customers can intentionally move in and out of levels just to trigger this outcome.

Before you begin

When no limit is set, the following links appear in red:

  • For Tier Entrance Behaviors, "Outcome limit not set."
  • For Tier Maintenance Behaviors, "Maintenance freq. not set."


  1. On the tab of the active tier level, locate the type of behavior in need of frequency settings. Two choices: Tier Entrance or Tier Maintenance Behaviors.
  2. At the right side of the behavior's section, click the appropriate link in red: Outcome limit not set or Maintenance freq. not set. Either link opens the Frequency Settings modal.
  3. Use the fields to set a frequency setting for the behavior.
    1. For an Entrance outcome:
      • Select the Limit earning frequency checkbox. Doing so opens fields to specify how often a customer can earn the benefits of entering the level (per day, week, month or year).
      • To restrict the benefit to a single time, enter a “1” with the timeframe selection of “forever.”
    2. For a Maintenance outcome:
      • Select the Enable maintenance checkbox. Doing so opens fields to specify how frequently the maintenance behaviors are evaluated.
      • There are three additional refinements you can add:
        • Relative to customer join date – If this box is selected, then the evaluation will be run based off of when a particular customer entered the level. This means that each customer will have their status in the level evaluated at different times. If you want the system to evaluate your customers en masse, then leave this unchecked.
        • Every – You can specify how often the maintenance behaviors are evaluated (daily, weeks months or years). For weeks, months and years, an additional field opens for indicating numerically how many units of time can elapse between evaluations.
        • Enable age in level safe guard – If selected, the "Customer allowed to stay in level for at least" fields open. Use them to set a time period for the customer during which they will not be subject to the maintenance evaluation and will be safe in the level.
      Note that there is another setting within each SessionM environment that evaluates bottom tier maintenance. This setting allows for a user to either remain in the bottom tier of a point economy or be removed from the point economy if they do not pass the maintenance evaluation. By default, users remain in the bottom tier after evaluation. Please consult your SessionM Client Success Manager for additional details on how to select the correct setting for your program.
  4. Click Save. The new frequency settings are shown in the Tier Entrance or Tier Maintenance Behavior sections back on the Point Economy Setup page. The settings are summarized in blue type. For example, "Earn up to 1 All-Time" for an entrance behavior or "Every 1 Year(s)" for a maintenance behavior.

After you finish

Return to Configure behaviors for tier level.