SessionM Developer Center

Welcome to the SessionM Developer Center

At the heart of every use case is the experience, or journey, on which the customer has embarked. The journey manifests as behaviors that tend to correspond with a series of events or actions, all of which reflect what it is the customer is trying to do.

Each use case is a combination of actions that transpire in the world and on the platform. Some actions are "on-stage" and some are "off." On-stage actions are direct interactions with people and software; off-stage experiences are those events that occur in the background such as server processes, about which the customer knows little of or may be only indirectly aware of.


Managing customers is critical to your success. There are may ways to update and control user data.

Create, Modify, and Forget Customer Profile

Display Customer Loyalty Information

Display Customer Events and Loyalty History


Giving users incentives is important to program success. You can motivate your customers with campaigns using a variety of API calls.

Send Welcome Campaign to New Members

Configure Birthday Campaign

Display Eligible Campaign Data and Activity Tiles

Filter for Campaign and Opt In Customer

Integrate Campaign with External System


Transactions are a central part of the SessionM platform. With these APIs, you can evaluate and process them in real time.

Award Outcome for Transaction Based on Product SKU

Manage Return and Adjust Related Loyalty Outcome