Build trigger event outcome

Trigger event outcomes are events that are triggered when customers perform specific behaviors.

Before you begin

Typically, the flow for building an outcome is to first build the rule that generates it. When a customer meets the logic expressed by the rule, they are rewarded with the associated outcome. For more information, learn about rules or how to configure them.


  1. In the rule builder for a behavior, click Edit in the Outcomes section.
  2. On the Outcomes modal, which defaults to the Offers tab, click the Trigger Events tab.
  3. Click theClick to enable Trigger Event Outcomes to expand the associated fields.
  4. Specify a value in the Rank field to stipulate the order by which the system will apply the outcome.
  5. In the Trigger Event Name field, enter the name of the event that will be triggered as the outcome. Then click +Add The new tag displays between the "Rank" and "Trigger Event Name" fields. You can remove the tag by clicking its X icon.
  6. If you want to create additional trigger event outcomes, repeat step 5.

  7. Click Done. The Outcomes modal closes, and the number of event trigger outcomes you just created displays in the behavior's Outcomes box in red, as unsaved changes.
  8. Click Save. The unsaved changes are now represented in the Trigger Events tally within the Outcomes box.

After you finish

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