Create campaign

Create a messaging or promotional campaign.


  1. Click Create Campaign on the Campaigns dashboard. You are prompted to select the campaign type.

Select campaign type

  1. Select the campaign type that aligns with your goals for the campaign. The default campaign type is Messaging. Campaign types include:
    • Messaging – Drive awareness in your customer base through a series of messages. Message delivery options are:
      • One-Time – Deliver a message as soon as it has been created.

      • Scheduled – Choose a date/time to deliver the message. Includes the ability to repeat message delivery at a cadence of your choice.

      • Triggered – Establish a behavior that your customers must perform to receive the message.

    • Promotion – Promote selected behaviors through a scheduled campaign or a campaign initiated by triggers that you define. Promotion types are:
      • Customer engagement – Predefined, customer-triggered event that indicates a customer has performed a particular behavior. May optionally include additional event attributes.

      • Purchase activity – Customer-triggered event for a purchase that includes, optionally, an item code or SKU. There are many types of purchase events. For example, a transaction value.

    • SMS Opt In –Customers signal their intent to participate in the campaign through a text message.

Name campaign

  1. Name the campaign. The campaign name uniquely identifies the campaign in the SessionM platform.
  2. Click Create. SessionM creates the campaign with a status of “Draft”. The Setup tab of the campaign builder appears.

Complete campaign definition on Setup tab

Complete the campaign on the Setup tab. Use this tab to: