Set up point economy

Complete the following steps to set up a point economy in the SessionM platform.

Step 1. Name point economy and define tier levels

You can begin the process of setting up a point economy by naming it and defining its tier levels. Basic configuration of the point economy begins with a name that uniquely identifies the point economy in the SessionM platform. The point economy can contain multiple tier levels each of which must be named in the tier level name field at the top of the Point Economy Setup page. By default the first tier is displayed on the tab "Level 1" with a name of "Tier Level 1." You can add more tier levels by simply clicking +Add Level.

Step 2. Define rules for behaviors in tier level

When configuring a point economy, you can define behaviors with supporting rules to drive the types of engagements that you want customers to perform in their interactions with specific point economy tiers. When you set up a tier level, consider how you want the tier level to function for customers. Some combination of the available behavior types provides the basic structure for the tier level, including those that define:

  • What actions - are required of a customer to enter a tier (Tier Entrance)?
  • What benefits will the customer gain by making a purchase once in the tier (Tier Purchase)?
  • What benefits will the customer gain by completing some event within the tier (Tier Event)?
  • What actions are required of a customer to remain in a tier (Tier Maintenance)?

Behaviors are governed by the rules you set up, and each rule can be further refined with constraints. For more information, see and .

Step 3. Define outcomes for behaviors

For each behavior configured with rules, a corresponding outcome can be specified. The process for defining outcomes varies slightly depending on the type of outcome you are working with. Choose from building:

Step 4. Publish tier levels and point economy

After configuring the tier levels of your point economy with behaviors that are governed by rules, you can publish each of the tier levels you want available in your published point economy (also called a tier system). Then, you can publish the point economy.